Friday, June 15, 2012

My Little Amy - All Growed Up

Dear Amy,

Happy 30.  Today you are a woman.

I've said it before and I'll say it again, to me you are not just a friend you are a sister.  I consider you part of my family.  Someone who has been through thick and thin with me and will always be there and love me know matter what.  Friends like that are priceless, and I am so thankful for you.  Your compassionate heart continues to touch and challenge me.

One of my favorite things in the world is making you laugh.  But I have to be honest, my goal with this gift is to make you cry.  Happy tears of a 30 year old young woman who realizes how much joy she brings to the world around her and how people of all walks of her life are impacted by her.

I hope you feel loved today, this weekend, and the next 30.  I can't wait to live them with you.
We're babies.

Happy reading.

Love you,

Happy Birthday Amy! Here's to a new beginning, a new decade, and many new blessings. I know there's lots to come for you, and you deserve nothing but the best. I love you cuz!

Bunk & Maddy 

Nanny Amy!
I miss you like crazy! Hope you have a fantastic birthday! Let's go back to Thailand ;-)


Oh JOY and YAY for birthdays!

Happie Turdy Burfdayes Amy!!!

(happy birthday)

(dear amy,
i have not met you yet, but i look forward to meeting you. im glad you were born cause you make my mom laugh. please babysit me in a few months-i promise ill be good...ish.


"Congratulations on becoming 30 years of age! You are now officially wise. This is an important power. You can apply it in the following ways:
1. Make a dinner instead of ordering some Chinese food.
2. NOT going to a water park.
3. Renting a car AND purchasing the optional insurance.
4. Knowing the difference between glossy and flat paint.
5. Understanding that taxes really ARE important.
6. You do not need to chew bubblegum 24 hours a day.
7. Your cell phone can also be used to make phone calls.
8. You may now purchase snow tires.
9. You can buy light bulbs and keep them, even if you don't need them right now.
10. You will not bring home a bunny just because it's super cute.
Congratulations! Looking forward to reading the newspaper and doing a crossword puzzle with you while getting our oil changed sometime.
-Kevin (34)"